How to split values into discrete intervals categories with Pandas in PythonNov 23rd 2021 • 1 minUsing the pandas.cut() method you can split the distribution into discrete intervals.import pandas as pd # We read a sample dataset from the web. df = pd.read_csv(''\ 'mwaskom/seaborn-data/master/iris.csv') # We use the cut method to split into discrete intervals df["discrete_intervals"] = pd.cut(df["sepal_length"], bins=10, include_lowest=True) # We set the canvas fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,4)) # We plot the graph df.groupby(by="discrete_intervals")["discrete_intervals"].count()\ .plot(kind='bar') # We tidy the layout fig.tight_layout() # We save the fig plt.savefig("discrete_intervals.png")How to bin values into discrete intervalsHere is the resultHere you are! You now know how to split values into discrete interval categories.