How to select columns with Pandas using Python

1 min

When you want to select columns there are three methods you can choose from:

  • Select columns by index
  • Select columns using an index range
  • Select columns by index

Select columns by index

import pandas as pd

# We create our dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": range(0,10),
                   "col2": range(10,20),
                   "col3": range(20,30)})

# We print the first and second columns with all rows

Select columns using an index range

import pandas as pd

# We create our dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": range(0,10),
                   "col2": range(10,20),
                   "col3": range(20,30)})

# We print all the columns from col2 until the end.

Select columns by name

import pandas as pd

# We create our dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": range(0,10),
                   "col2": range(10,20),
                   "col3": range(20,30)})

# We print columns 1 and 3 with all rows
print(df[["col1", "col3"]])