How to retrieve data entries from SQLite3 using Python

2 min

SQLite is one of the fastest ways to set up a SQL-ready database.

Once you store data in an SQLite3 you can easily reuse it where you want.

Here is how to retrieve data entries from an SQLite3 Database.

Here is the code

First, we connect to the database

import sqlite3

# We create the connection
con = sqlite3.connect('example.db')

# We create a cursor to perform our requests
cur = con.cursor()
We connect to the database or create if doesn't exist

Second, we create our table and fill it up with dummy data

# Create a table
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE revenues (date text, amount float, source text)")

# Insert multiple entries in the database
entries = [
    ('2020-11-31', 12349.2, 'shopify'),
    ('2020-12-31', 14523.2, 'shopify'),
    ('2021-01-31', 18029.4, 'shopify'),
    ('2021-02-29', 51023.3, 'shopify'),
    ('2021-03-31', 94400.3, 'shopify'),
cur.executemany("INSERT INTO revenues VALUES (?,?,?)", entries)

# Save (commit) the changes
We create the connection, insert the data and commit the changes

Third, we retrieve data

One entry

cur.execute("select * from revenues").fetchone()

All entries

cur.execute("select * from revenues").fetchall()

All entries that match the condition

cur.execute("select * from revenues where amount >= 14000").fetchall()

Here you are! You now know how to retrieve data from an SQLite3 Database.

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