How to only get the column values that are in a list with Pandas using Python

1 min

Here is a quick and efficient way to filter the column values that are contained in a list using the DataFrame.isin() method.

Imagine that we have a DataFrame containing GDP observations per country for 2021.  

But now we only want to select a few countries by name.

E.g. filter for Germany and France

Here is the code

# To work with dataframes
import pandas as pd

# We create our sample dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({"Country" : ["Germany", "USA", "France"],
                             "Temperatures" : [3332000000, 
# A list of values we are interested in
selected_countries = ["Germany","France"]

# We filter only for the countries that are in the provided list
mask = df["Country"].isin(selected_countries)

# We print the dataframe
How to only get the column values that are contained in a list

Here you are! You know now how to only get the column values that are in a list with Pandas using Python.

More on DataFrames

If you want to know more about DataFrame and Pandas. Check out the other articles I wrote on the topic, just here :

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