How to do an interactive dashboard with Python using Streamlit

1 min

Streamlit is an open-source Python library that makes it easy to create interactive dashboards and web applications. With Streamlit, you can build a dashboard in just a few lines of code, and it allows you to quickly iterate and test different layouts and widgets. Here are some steps on how to create an interactive dashboard with Python using Streamlit:

  1. Install Streamlit: You can install Streamlit by running pip install streamlit in your command line.
  2. Create a new script: Create a new script in your preferred text editor and import Streamlit by adding import streamlit as st.
  3. Add widgets: Use Streamlit's built-in widgets to create your dashboard. For example, you can use st.title() to add a title to your dashboard, st.slider() to create a slider, and st.dataframe() to display a DataFrame.
  4. Add interactivity: Use Streamlit's st.cache(), st.write() and st.button() to create interactive elements in your dashboard.
  5. Run the script: Run the script using the command streamlit run This will start a local server and open the dashboard in your web browser.
  6. Customize the layout: You can use Streamlit's built-in layout functions to customize the look and feel of your dashboard.
  7. Deploy the App: You can deploy the App on Heroku or other cloud platforms with just a few lines of code.

Streamlit is an easy-to-use library that allows you to create interactive dashboards quickly and easily. It is designed to be simple, intuitive, and easy to learn, so you can start building your own dashboard in no time.