How to create a subset of a DataFrame in Pandas

0 min

To create a subset of a Pandas DataFrame, you can use the indexing operator [] and provide the desired columns or a condition based on the values of one or more columns.

Here's an example:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

# Selecting specific columns
subset = df[['column1', 'column2']]

# Selecting rows based on a condition
subset = df[df['column3'] > 0.5]

In the first example, the subset contains only the columns column1 and column2 of the original DataFrame df. In the second example, the subset contains only the rows of df where the value of column3 is greater than 0.5.

You can also use the .loc and .iloc methods to select subsets of a DataFrame based on labels and integer positions, respectively.